Here, I link to reviews of Six Word Wonder.
5 Stars
“Six word wonder is an absorbing, fascinating and unparallel sum of flash fictions / short stories, witticisms and poetry. This book consists of twenty chapters with over five hundred grippy short tales to cheer and please the reader.” AKANKSHA KINWAAR,WayOfWords25
5 Stars
“Six word wonder is an absorbing, fascinating and unparallel sum of flash fictions / short storieThe title then the blurb immediately caught my attention with this book. It’s a superbly written book that had me mesmerized. Everything is done using 6-word lines and it’s both amazing and fascinating. If you love reading and words, then grab this little gem up as it’s amazing..” Sharon Reif
If you want to read something new and creative. If you want to laugh, smile, and take a break for a while. If you want something simple to squeeze in whenever. Then I would highly recommend Six Word Wonder by Doug Weller. I would recommend it to anyone really.
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